The name Bam Bam Madame is inspired by thinkers and makers creating noise in their industry and the ever more pressing need to stand out from the crowd. We work with brands and individuals who are looking to make a positive change and tell their stories in a vibrant, impactful way. In a way that goes BAM!, you might say.

Apollo is our studio mascot, representing skill, thought, imagination and creativity. Basically, everything you can expect from us.
We often weave a hint of playful irreverence into our work, and strive to make every project and partnership enjoyable and fun.
We work with a lot of women-led brands and brands aiming to empower women. What better place to start than Aphrodite’s birthplace?
We want to see a better world and be part of making one. So, we like working with brands with ethical processes and products that aim to protect animals and the world around us.
The home to our collection of ethically-made Bam designs for you to take home, enjoy and show off at your leisure.


Don't go yet.
If you’ve got a project or a big idea in the works and you’re looking for creative support, from full-blown production to brand consultancy or event styling, we’d love to hear from you. Seriously, don’t be shy.